mindscape no.5-the sea acrylic, inks and pens on canvas, 20x24in, 2012 (sold) sold
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inks, acrylic and pigments on hardboard panel, 20x16in, 2013 sold
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acrylic, inks, pigments, pens, several layers of epoxy resin 20x16in, 2013 sold
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inks, acrylic, pigments and pens on watercolor paper, 20x16in, 2013 no longer available
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abstract scenery red, yellow, blue inks on paper, digital painting
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red scenery inks, red wine, acrylic, pens, on paper, digital painting
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mixed media painting, physical

Fugue manipulated photo arrangement, digital image manipulation, digital painting
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Serie "Metamorphosen"
digitale fraktale Gemälde

soundshape no.7

digital painting, 2013

digital from acrylic, 2013

digital fractal painting, 2013

digital fractal painting, 2013 made with parts of the fractal "Deep Blue Sky" programmed by Daniele Lupo, who kindly gave me permission to use the fractal for the painting. http://jepessen.deviantart.com/ I also used a few other fractals designed by myself.